E-On Vue Software is the premiere environmental rendering system. With Vue you can create worlds, and the rendering scene can be massive, capable of rendered scenes with 100M+ polys on high ram, multi CPU systems. Versions of Vue being unshackled include owners of stand alone packages Vue Esprit, Vue Infinite, Vue xStream and the current Bently released Vue that was a subscription based service. The software is incredibly versitle and one of the most intuitive AI complete node based, procedural material systems. The software is phenominal and frankly, I am stunned that Bently has abandoned marketing this torwards artists and media creators.The upside is that Bently is being generous and offering the application for free use. I do hope they open the source for community development or the PY API so that pipeline integration may continue.
Bently Software has offered E-On Vue and Plant Factory free for download and use at https://www.bentley.com/software/e-on-software-free-downloads/
Checkout our selection of native Vue content
Vue Artist Tip: Also search for VanishingPoint at your favorite content outlet or direct at VanishingPoint.biz for a large selection of native Vue 3d content.
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So what is this cool stuff your selling anyways? - 3D model for what? - Whats it work with?
These are question that gets asked when people first stumble upon a 3d content store like PoserWorld.
A 3D model store, or 3d content store is a merchant of computer designed objects which are tangible in software applications for creating workd of art, video animation, video games and interactive digital publications. Our name, PoserWorld is a tribute to Poser Software, the premier 3D rendering & dnimation software that allows users ti easily create art and animation with 3D characters. Poser Poser Software stands out because it invented a skeletal and skinning method to apply to 3d modled mesh figure that facilitates pose and animation in a way that mimicks the joint bend, musclature and motion character of the subject. Poser was originally created by Larry Weinberg in 2002 for traditional artists as a digital mannequin to pose them for studying the view of joints & musces from any perspective and lighting condition. The Poser traditional rigging method has been shared with the industry and has since been in continious development and has been adopted and adapted by many other 3d software companies since. While Poser Softwasre has an esteemed legacy, its not currenty the most widely used 3d rednering software by consumers, however it is foundational in figure development and the starting point for many animated 3d development pipelines. DAZ 3D Studio and Blender have eclipsed Posers base of 3d artists and animators because thier software is distributed free, while the current versions of Poser Software costs about $200.
Poser Content Facts
Poser content uses multiple related file types to assemble the 3d object in scene, including .obj mesh, .jpg or .png textures assets. The native content format Poser uses relies on a nested folder format structure called a "runtime" because each Poser and Poser runtime compatable application refrences scene assets from a \runtime folder structure. Therefore Poser content is sold as a zip file containing the runtime folder and all its nested files within. All a user needs to do to access the product in their scene is to extract the runtime and Point the Poser library to the root "runtime\" folder.
Poser 11 and DAZ 3D Studio all load Poser runtime content. In addition E-On Vue and 3DS Maz will load Poser content into thier scenes with Poser installed. Poser fusion is a direct interface to update Autodesk 3DS Max scenes. E-On Vue imports Poser scene files and updates the viewport with Poser keyframes, Changes in Poser scene, reflect in Vue's scene. E-On Vue uses Poser's shader trees so you can compost from both systems and materials will be identical.
Poser 11 imports even more standard 3d model and rigged figure formats including .obj, .fbx, .dae and thier texture maps. PoserWorld also sell 3d models in figures in FBX and Vue formats to provide the broadest application compatability and 3d pipeline imperoperability. More on Poser filetypes
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"SuperStore Shopping Plaza" a mega sized ready to render figure scene & super market construction prop set for Poser.
We have lots of going on and news to to share but first and foremost, we announce
There are even more discount programs ongoing every day at PoserWorld:
Our News & Plans:
PoserWorld was closed for a year as the site went a overhaul by its new co-owners Peter Martin, Dream Cutter LLC, of San Diego CA & John Hoagland of Vanishing Point Inc of Orlando FL.. Together we bring you unparalleled experience and service dedicated to the Poser Artist 3d modeling communities.
What to expect at the new PoserWorld this season? All New Poser Content including Animals, Environments, Buildings and Vehicles with a big focus on animation and 3d pipeline versatility.
We will expand our format selection to include E-On Software Vue content (vob,vom & mat)
PoserWorld Announces Expanded 3D Use Licence Terms to allow for Game & WebGL
Other big Poser and 3D Software News
Smith Micro renders Poser to Bondware, we congratulate them and the Renderosity team for the acquisition and offer our enthusiastic support.
Its official 18 mos after Bently's acquisition of Eon-Software, they announced that Cornucopia3d content store will be permanently closed. Vue Artists and Vendors, welcome aboard.
Blender2.8, there is a reason the 3d world is taking notice, its absolutely magnificent and almost too good to be free.
NEW ARTISTS and Product Line Releases:
VanishingPoint - Decades of experience, VanishingPoint represents the a team of international artists producing the largest collections of Vehicles for Poser and a wide range of adventure & popular culture theme sets for Poser, DS and FBX.
Schell by PoserWorld - Were the new home of Chris Schell's fanatically detailed line of historic military and his famous line of transforming mecha. Chris retired from developing Poser so we are honored to be maintaing the library.
Arteria 3D - Arteria 3D has been developing scenes and figues for over 20 years. Together with PoserWorld developers we are bringing the best of his line to you.
PoserWorld Exclusives - Our premium branded products.
PoserWorld Legacy - PoserWorld Classics, our diverse set of classic products from prior seasons.
Buckle up and remember to subscribe to the new PoserWorld Newsletter today.