Thursday, March 6, 2025 2:09:26 PM

The Poser 11 Kill Switch.

5 years ago
#5 Quote
I'm disappointed that Renderosity has apparently left the  phone-home-or-die "Kill' Switch in the Poser software.  Imo  it was the worst move that Smith Micro ever made in their last revision of the software.  I feel this was the final nail that killed the franchise for them.

If, when Poser had started, it had a kill switch in it I never would have bought the software; I would have gone DAZ instead.  


Because unlike Photoshop and other software programs that have gone the subscription route, Poser relies on the user buying models.  If I am going to invest money in buying models I have to have a reasonable expectation that I can use these models in the future, not just three or six months from now.  Plus, my graphics machine is physically firewalled; it is not allowed to go out to the web for security reasons.  Too much invested to keep it and the models casually connected to a virus infected web.

The only reason I am still buying models is because my Poser Game Developer is still working AND I know I can switchover to DAZ and still use them in a pinch.  

This also applies to their Blacksmith software.  I have version 5 which does not need to phone home.  It's awkward in terms of its user interface and they have made significant improvements since V5.  I bought version 6, but upon finding it needed to regularly get permission from mommy I had to return it. I really want it, I can afford it, but I can't use it the way they have structured their business model.  I don't  mind purchasing, and I am coming to like the subscribe to own a given version (as long as I can update with a code after paying the subscription), but I can't abide a Kill switch.

I very much like Renderosity and I want them to succeed, as I want Daz to succeed, and now the re-vamped Poserworld.  this is the main reason I'm writing.  I feel the Kill switch is going to be a limiting factor for Rendo and our community in the long run.  IF my Game Developer dies for good, I am going to remember the experience, vehemently. I MAY try Poser 11. Again.  I own Poser11 and I'd put Poser 11 and any updates on right now if I knew that Game Developer would keep running; I really would like to support their new LaFemme figure.   But the forums say it is one or the other.  I know that IF Game Developer dies I WILL download DAZ and figure out how to use it, and I may still play with Poser considering it an unreliable alternative.

Finally, you would think that with a relatively small dedicated group using the 3D modeling software you'd want it out there in spades if your goal is to sell the models.    

I'm putting my thoughts here where probably no-one will read them. But at least it is hopefully in neutral territory away from Rendo ability to lock, bury or delete, not that they would.
5 years ago
#10 Quote
I cant disagree that the piracy protection implemented by Poser is inconvenient and feels risky however its so much better than the other software.  Many companies are turning to subscription only and they discontinue service to older versions (Ahem autodesk 3ds max) and other companies encrypt the purchased content.
At least the 3d figure & prop formats are easily editable, geometry convert to standard formats (obj, dae, fbx), and Poser now bakes and exports materials to maps in any uv layout.  The Poser import/export and application interoperability is quite broad.

For example the new Eon-Vue (subscriptions) all support Poser format scenes bi-bidirectionally including the materials.  This was always a hit or miss game because Poser & Vue versions were out of sync but that's not been an issue now.

From what I have read companies that go out of business,  remaining developers release a patch to unlock the software or make it open.  If there is a market and user base though, there probably will be a owner... I can understand why Bondware jumped at the opportunity.  I would have.
4 years ago
#126 Quote
If I'm being honest here, I rarely user Poser at all anymore for the reasons mentioned above and more. That said, as long as the software has an owner that is actively trying to improve it there's now reason that it cannot make the come up so to speak and be as usable as Daz Studio. Let's hope that eventually things like the franchise killing phone home verification is dropped and they abandon that stupid La Femme figure line in favor for supporting the Genesis line. THAT itself could kill the whole software once more. I hope they can eventually see that.
4 years ago
#145 Quote
Hmmm... I didn't know that Poser now needs to connect to run.

I am rather excited to try the Free OctaneRender for Daz Studio. I have it installed but I had to disable the plugin since I unplug the internet from my machine when I'm working.

I don't actually use Daz Studio either - just starting to dip my toes in. I mean, I use it plenty as a plugin for Carrara. The Content Creation Tools it comes with are incredible, and I have some darned nice scripts helping my convert my animations from one figure to another.

Here I am, all hyped to buy Poser 12 after not having Poser installed since Poser 6, only to find out that I'd likely not be able to use it? I better do some homework first.

Still, that all said, I have to agree with Peter on this. BondWare's model blows away the Pay-to-Play of the world these days.

After a phone conversation with Adobe (after being quite a veteran of several of their apps) I ended up having to tell them to fly a kite and haven't returned since. That led me to PD Howler, one of the best moves I've made as a digital artist, as well as PaintShop Pro, which is cool, but I still felt the loss of PS - that is until Affinity Photo was released for PC.
8 months ago
#4767 Quote
thanks for sharing information