Modular Christmas House Lights Model with Morphs

The modular 3D Christmas house lights model can be strung together and there are straight, corner and down wires (with morphs. this model took 3 hours to model and setup. The modular 3D Christmas house lights model can be strung together and there are straight, corner and down wires (with morphs. this model took 3 hours to model and setup. The lights can be stringed together by adding Bulb Strings to each other and adding a Straight Wire in between each time for equal spacing. There is also a curve wire and a down wire with a plug on it. The Straight wire, corner, down wire hove morphs to change their lengths. Don't forget to parent each section to the previous section for easier movements / adjustments.
Manufacturer: PoserWorld Legacy
SKU: 27f6930f

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