The digital blood pressure machine in Poser 3D model format is a medical prop has morphs for the cuff and tube to move them up and away from the main blood pressure device.
A set of 3D dining room furniture models. Includes china cabinet, throw rug, light fixture, table and two types of chair (regular and captain) models. Contains 162,958 polygons (all models shown in preview images).
The 3D furniture model is in FBX 7.1 3D format (2011 binary, embedded textures). The FBX format 3D models import seamless into Unity 3D, Lightwave, 3ds max, Cinema 4D, Maya, Blender, Shade, Modo, iClone, and other 3D modeling software that supports FBX 7.1 file format imports. Most 3D software created since 2011 should import the 7.1 binary format without any issues.
A 3D discount store building model in FBX 3D model format. Contains 24,235 polygons.
The 3D model is in FBX 7.1 3D format (2011 binary, embedded textures). The FBX format 3D models import seamless into Unity 3D, Lightwave, 3ds max, Cinema 4D, Maya, Blender, Shade, Modo, iClone, and other 3D modeling software that supports FBX 7.1 file format imports. Most 3D software created since 2011 should import the 7.1 binary format without any issues.
A 3D Doctor's reception room scene for Poser and DAZ Studio. All doors can be opened and the reception shutters can be lowered. Two sets of seats are included, the set in the image and a single group that you can arrange as you wish.
A 3D set of donuts and box food models in FBX format. Each donut is cut into "bite" pieces. Contains 18,736 polygons (total all models).
The 3D models are in FBX 7.1 3D format (2011 binary, embedded textures). The FBX format 3D models import seamless into Unity 3D, Lightwave, 3ds max, Cinema 4D, Maya, Blender, Shade, Modo, iClone, and other 3D modeling software that supports FBX 7.1 file format imports. Most 3D software created since 2011 should import the 7.1 binary format without any issues.
The 3D Double Decker Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich food model for Poser and DAZ Studio in Poser 3D model format also includes extra sliced bread, lettuce, bacon (2 different ones) and a tomato slice model. The texture maps are 2048 x 2048 and includes BUMP maps.
A 3D double vending machine model in FBX 3D model format. Contains 5,146 polygons.
The 3D model is in FBX 7.1 3D format (2011 binary, embedded textures). The FBX format 3D models import seamless into Unity 3D, Lightwave, 3ds max, Cinema 4D, Maya, Blender, Shade, Modo, iClone, and other 3D modeling software that supports FBX 7.1 file format imports. Most 3D software created since 2011 should import the 7.1 binary format without any issues.
The 3D slacks and sweater clothing models for the Hivewire 3D Dawn figure are dynamic. The pants have a constrained area set on them and the recommended collision offset is .2.