The current pinnacle of Variable Geometry Fighter Development, the AVF-35 Wildhog is a next generation Variable Mecha. Developed by Earth Avionics from their highly successful VGF-14 Wildcat, the AVF-35 resulted from the YF-35 Warthog prototype test series of Mecha, and a series of now abandoned Space Combat Upgrade systems for the older VGF-14.
The MiG-21 was the first successful Soviet aircraft combining Fighter and Interceptor characteristics in a single aircraft. The MiG-21 was exported widely and continues to be used. The aircraft`s simple controls, engine, weapons, and avionics were typical of Soviet-era military designs. The Schell 3d' Mig-21 PFB fishbed figure for Poser has over 50 Points of Articulation on the main figure, many controlled by ERC.