Club Classics

Poserworld Club Classics, Items that were found in the PoserWorld Download Club.

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Suit for Apollo : ApolloSuit

A suit for Apollo, the set includes pants with built in boots, a jacket with loads of opening and movement morphs and a jumper. Bonus Template file for Apollo Suite included in cart automatically free of charge.

Suit for Apollo : ApolloSuitTemplates

A suit for Apollo, the set includes pants with built in boots, a jacket with loads of opening and movement morphs and a jumper.

Apollo Long Sleeve Jumper Shirt Textures

The Apollo long sleeve jumper textures contain 3 textures: berry, pumpkin and medium purple. Includes MATS.

Apollo 1800's - Little House on the Prairie Style Outfit

The Apollo 1800's Little House on the Prairie outfit was styled after Charles Ingalls outfit on the TV show. All real cloth, buttons and leather textures. Includes MATS.

Apollo Brown Wool Suit Textures

The Apollo brown wool suit contains suit jacket and pants (with gold buckle), a beige knit long sleeve jumper and black (real leather texture) shoes. Includes MATS.

Shirt and Tie for Apollo

A Shirt with tie to fit under the Apollo suit, please note this will not work without the suit

US Cop for Apollo Maximus - Poser / DAZ 3D ( A M )

A USA style police persons outfit to fit Apollo, 2 styles of hats and textures are included and MATs to change the textures and create short or long sleeved shirts. The set can be used with or without the gunbelts and the belts have a "No pistol" morph. Important: This item requires a separate texture map file download that will be automatically added to your cart at no additional charge, please unzip all product download files to the same runtime.

US Cop for Poser - Required Textures

These are texture maps required with the US Cop for Poser and will be automatically added to your cart with the associated item, at no additional cost.

BasketBall High-Top Sneakers TEXTURES maps - required download for BasketBall High-Top Sneakers

These are texture maps required with the BasketBall High-Top Sneakers and will be automatically added to your cart with the associated item, at no additional cost.